stuff about me
Jane-of-many-trades? Perhaps. But in truth, my curiosity is greedy. Chronicled below are some experiences that have helped shape me as an editor and writer, never mind as a human being. Among their gifts, I count engagement, empathy with audience, rigor, associative capacity, and passion.
- many years’ work with nonprofit organizations, including initial organization and launch, operations, promotion, and publicity
- private clinical psychotherapy practice (15 years)
- a stint with Portland, Oregon’s investigative newspaper, Willamette Week
- arts administration for a community arts association on the Oregon coast
- typography/typesetting (West Coast and NYC)
- coordination of a student service-learning program
- summer of archaeology on the Snake River in Washington State (a seasonal Nez Perce site)
- study and teaching of modern dance and biomechanics
- M.A. in Counseling Psychology
- B.A. in anthropology; minor concentration in human services